
Blue Mountains rainbows

This summer has been ridiculous in New South Wales. Some areas experienced two or even three major floods, and as off today the rain still keeps on falling. I had big doubts about the trip to the Blue Mountains, but thought if even the little creeks will be blown out I might just go and take photos of pumping waterfalls. To my surprise the first creek I decided to fish on that day was in a pretty reasonable flow, so definitely looked like a day will be spent well even if I don’t catch anything. I landed a pretty good size rainbow on first cast on a pink bead head nymph and then couple more fish on a big woolly bugger. Then I decided to move to a different section of the river, where in maybe 100m stretch I landed another 4-5 rainbows. That would be very good day’s fishing on my books in the prime river conditions. I guess the lesson taken from this – just go and enjoy the outdoors, and if the stars align you’ll be rewarded with a fish or two. Peace.

written by admin - Posted in trips


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