
Blue Mountains Creeks

After having some success on this pretty little creek couple of weeks ago, we decided to give it another go at it but this time with our overnight packs on. We brought everything. Beers, red meat for a stew, wine – you name it. And what a cracker of an overnighter it was. We caught fish, we read more


Carp in the Mountains

This time we decided to explore Wollondilly river and it’s tributaries. We have heard that even it’s way past its glory days it might hold a trout or two in winter months that move in to spawn. Weather was just perfect – clear skies and no wind whatsoever, so we left our cars with read more


A Creek in the Mountains

During winter months some creeks in the Blue Mountains stay open for fishing all year round. One minor detail is that it usually requires a fairly decent hike it. Most of the times staying overnight is a good idea, but this time we decided to walk lightweight, leave early and do it in a day. Few good read more


Lake in the Central West

Decided to head up to the mountains in a search of a lake trout. There’s this one popular lake that can fire up on some days, especially in the bad weather. And this Sunday was looking just like that. Cloudy, windy, rainy and even a bit hail. So we thought it’s gonna be a great day to read more


The Upper reaches

Decided to give it a try to the upper reaches of this gorgeous little creek in the Blue Mountains. Fern trees, deep undercut banks, crystal clear water – all that really makes this section of river pretty special. Just sitting there on an eucalyptus log, sipping a black tea and enjoying the read more


Chasing the Rainbow

I heard about this river called Fish river that flows through the Central West region of the New South Wales. It’s one of the better streams in that area that hold a good number of trout, and Autumn being a perfect time of the year to try and catch one. Me, not owing a car at the moment, I had read more


Jervis Bay

My first experience flyfishing the land down under. Hired a tinnie and went off for a ride. Beautiful white sand beaches, free swimming manta rays, scorching sun and crystal clear blue water – what else could you ask for. Oh, and I caught my first ever saltwater fish on fly. The ugly looking read more