
Eucumbene river – Take Two

Considering pretty reasonable success I had in my previous trip, I thought we’ll sneak another quick one in just before the season closes to get the last trout fix. Forecast was clear – heavy snow above 2000m. I thought we’re pretty okay with the rivers running through lower areas read more


A way overdue Snowies trip

It took way too long to do a trip to the Snowies after the last one which was way back in summer. This time the weather has changed drastically compared to the previous trip, night time temperatures dropping way below zero. I did some exploring around Blue Pool caves and Yarrangobilly area and some read more


Late Autumn hoppers

Haven’t posted on here for a while, so thought will do just a summary post of an incredible autumn hopper fishing we had in the Blue Mountains and Central West. So nice to be sitting inside now, listen to this rain fall, sip on a tea and remember late arvos on the river watching rainbows smashing read more


Stroll along the river with a good company

Had a couple of friends visiting Sydney recently, so we made a plan to go check out few places I normally fish in the Blue Mountains and just go for some random exploring. We had high expectations considering that fishing in Central West/Blue Mountains area has been red hot this year. The reality read more


Another wet and miserable session in the mountains

As probably everyone’s aware we had stupidly long periods of rain in the last year. Here’s some few photos from the trip where we braved the conditions and tried to look for some clear water in the Blue Mountains and prove to ourselves that it is possible to catch fish in any kind of weather. read more


Some good weather means bass

Suddenly we had a period of this pretty reasonable weather so I’ve been watching river water flow charts carefully everyday and keeping an eye on how rivers are looking in different parts of the state. As soon as I noticed one of my favourite bass river water level drop to about 1m I thought read more


Rain just keeps on pouring

Another trip and another soaking weekend in the mountains. This rain just wouldn’t stop. But fish don’t seem to care. Another few nice rainbows and a few brownies to the net. Can imagine fishing will be red hot when this rain stops and water clears up tiny bit.


Packrafting for bass – hike and drift day trip

This was the only one trip I did this year to chase bass out of the packraft mainly due to most bass rivers being blown out this season. There was a window of a good weather at some point so I decided to bite a bullet and give it a go. There was a steep walk in and out to access the river and a hot read more


Random scenery shots

No matter how much I love catching a fish, or just spending a day walking a riverbank I do also love to explore the mountains just with the camera in my hands. These are some images I’ve taken while getting to my regular fishing spots and capturing anything I see on my way. You can never know read more


Blue Mountains Browns

After having a pretty good session on the tinny creek few weeks ago I decided to give this other river a go I had on the list for a while. After arriving to the spot I was pleasantly surprised, as it seemed like the river hadn’t got affected by the floods at all and it was running nice and clear. read more