
Bass redeemer

After having a doughnut chasing trout in the Blue Mountains I decided to give a crack on an early season bass and this way redeem myself. And what an awesome day it turned out to be. Spend the first half of the day casting bass vampire fly at all kinds of structures and not having a touch, I thought read more


Back on the rivers

This was my first trip to the Blue Mountains after the season has re-opened and I was itching to see how the rivers look like in the Spring. Especially after all this rain we had in last couple of months. Was great to see grass and trees so lush and green, and the river running in the best condition read more


Winter on the Blue Mountains lakes

Now as the spring is starting to kick in, it’s about time to have a wrap up on how went on Blue Mountains lakes during winter. Fishing for trout in lakes especially here in the Blue Mountains, it’s a test for every fisherman’s patience. You can sometimes spot them false-spawning read more


Snowy Mountains on Film

Couple of months ago I was travelling through the Snowy Mountains region and fishing the Eucumbene and Thredbo rivers for the last time of this year’s trout season. At that time  I decided not only take photos on phone or a digital camera, but also bring film camera along and see how can I read more


Snowy Mountains – Thredbo

For the next part of my Snowy Mountains trip I decided to drive over to the other side of the mountains and fish another beautiful river – the Thredbo. I fished it for couple of days but apart from couple of little trout  to the net I didn’t have as much luck as in I had in the Eucumbene. read more


Snowy Mountains – Eucumbene

After being stuck in lockdown for a few months NSW fishermen, including myself, had a chance to get onto some trout fishing before the season closes. And that’s exactly what I did. I took couple of days off work and decided to explore both sides of the Snowy Mountains. First half of the week read more


Long Weekend on the Mid North Coast

Australia Day long weekend. I know the date is quite controversial these days, but I personally cant complain (haha) because of my birthday that falls on the same weekend as well, so I get an extra day off. This time I tried to combine camping with friends near the beach with a chance on scouting read more


Land of Volcanic Trout video


Just some footage I put together from the trip to NZ North Island last year I turned it into a mini story and called it ‘Land of Volcanic Trout’. Brings back good memories of NZ nature, rivers and hell lotta fish. Happy watching


Blue Mountains hike

Did an overnight hike into the Blue Mountains with a hope of finding a trout or two. Unfortunately all we could find was a carp swimming in a clear cold mountain stream. Good fun sight casting to it though. Watching that thing eat a fly and landing it on a 3 or a 5 weight always gets the blood pumping.
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Winter on the North Island

This winter on the North Island New Zealand was pretty damned good. I mean really good in terms of “fushing” of course, and skiing was pretty good as well I heard. But back to fishing now – it’s so easy no bush bashing no hiking required. So much different from a type of trout read more